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  • Initiate amendments to the By-Laws of the PNASA.

  • Receive and recommend the proposed amendments to the Executive Board for approval.

  • Submit approved proposed amendments at a general assembly meeting for ratification and adoption.

  • Archive PNASA By-Laws based upon retention guidelines established by the Executive Board.



  • Assist members in seeking financial assistance for further education in nursing.

  • Establish criteria for selecting recipients of the Nursing Scholarship Awards.

  • Screen and recommend applicants for scholarship awards to the Executive Board





  • Assist Filipino-American nurses upon request, on their professional and socio-cultural concerns related to equal employment opportunity and human rights and welfare.

  • Plan welcome activities for Filipino-American nurses who are new to San Antonio.

  • Communicate with the Executive Board when there are allegations that human rights are violated.

  • Disseminate information on human rights to members.



  • Assess and prioritize the current needs of the PNASA.

  • Plan and implement fundraising activities for the PNASA.

  • Secure funds through reasonable means to augment the treasury.








  • Attend official meetings of the community organizations affiliated or involved with PNASA.

  • Disseminate information of PNASA community activities.

  • Address and respond to community services such as health fairs, disasters, etc.

  • Keep record of current volunteer activities





  • Plan for the Annual Nursing Excellence Award Ceremony of PNASA.

  • Establish selection criteria for the Excellence Awards.

  • Submit nominations for Excellence Awards to PNAA and other awards programs from various professional associations.

  • In collaboration with the Nominations and Elections Committee, plan for the awarding ceremony and Induction of the incoming Executive Board.



  • Assess the educational needs and research interests of its members.

  • Plan and implement educational and research endeavors as deemed necessary.

  • Inform members of forthcoming research and educational presentations in the community.




  • Develop effective strategies for membership recruitment and retention.

  • Coordinate with the Treasurer related to membership dues and renewal.

  • Keep an updated membership roster.

  • Be responsible for sending the Welcome Packet to each new member.




  • Handle all the publicity, advertising and public relation activities of the PNASA.

  • Be responsible for the official publication of the Newsletter and PNASA Website.

  • Manage the Social Media sites of the PNASA, including, but not limited, to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube





  • Establish rules on the mechanism of nominations and elections.

  • Announce the offices to be filled, the date and place of election, eight weeks before the election.

  • Obtain nominations of candidates to these offices with the consent of the nominee.

  • Appoint tellers to count election returns.

  • Announce the official results of the election on Election Day.

  • Collaborate with Excellence Awards Committee in planning for the Induction of the incoming Executive Board Members.​



  • Keep record of all disbursement and revenues.

  • Prepare the annual budget and financial plan of the PNASA for approval of the Executive Board.

  • Evaluate the yearly budget to determine if the projected and actual income and expenses are in line.

  • Evaluate and monitor the treasury record of the PNASA in collaboration with the treasurer and auditor.


Policies and Procedures



  • Formulate guidelines for the submission, review and approval of policies and procedures affecting the business of the Association.

  • Coordinate the annual review of policies and procedures and present a summary at the annual meeting.

  • Archive policies and procedures based upon record retention guidelines established by the Executive Board.


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